Monday, December 30, 2019

Why Do Ficers Consider Kurtz Unsound - 1009 Words

Why do the officers consider Kurtz unsound? The officers consider Kurtz and his methods unsound because his reality no longer lines up with theirs. When Kurtz entered the military, and as he was rising in the ranks, his reality was especially conducive to that employed by the military, and therefore he was quickly accepted. Kurtz eventually began to lose grasp of the reality that the military supported, and drifted from it. This is evidenced by his decision to join the Green Berets, in which he would have low likelihood of increasing in rank. This began to alienate Kurtz from his superiors, and eventually, after taking action of his own accord in Vietnam, they realized his reality contradicted theirs. In an effort to protect†¦show more content†¦In order to prevent its spread to the western world, the US attempted to stop it were it had already taken root, and prevent it from spreading further. They chose to do so through war and therefore violence. This war was one over ideals rather than resources. The battle was one between democracy and communism, not between two nations. The involved nations were simply representatives for their respective systems. European imperialism on the other hand was for the increase in pride for the involved nations. The fight was for control over territory and resources, rather than simple ideals. The fight for ideals was simply a byproduct of this intrusion, transforming the savages was not a goal. The opposite is true for Vietnam. The US entered with the intention of altering ideals, and capturing territory and resources was a side effect. A major point to consider is who decides for which side a country will fight. A soldier who may support communism, but happens to live in America, is drowned out by the voices of those in power. Those few make the decisions of the mores and the general reality of the people. The soldier then must fight a war based on ideals, for an ideal he does not believe in. Why does Willard say he would never want another mission after the one involving Kurtz? Willard says he never wants another mission

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay about operation management HW1 - 1244 Words

1. A manufacturers average work-in-process inventory for a certain part is 1,000 units. The workstation produces this part at the rate of 200 units per day. What is the average time a unit spends at this workstation? 2. The Wilcox Student Health Center has just implemented a new computer system and service process to \improve e ±ciency. As pharmacy manager, you are con- cerned about waiting time and its potential impact on college students who \get no respect. All prescriptions (Rxs) go through the following process: Drop-o ® ! Fill Rx ! Pick-up ! Cashier Assume that students arrive to drop-o ® Rxs at a steady rate of 2 Rxs per minute, with an average of one Rx per student. The average number of students in process (those who†¦show more content†¦All data conform to planners expectations except for one set { the classi ¯cations made by the nurse practitioner. Assume that the triage nurse has been sending 91% of all patients to the Simple Prescriptions area when in fact only 90% should have been so classi ¯ed. The remaining 1% are discovered when transferred to the emergency area by a doctor. Assume all other information from Problem 6 is valid. On average, how long does a patient stay in the ER? On average, how long does a Potential Admit stay in the ER? On average, how many patients are in the ER? Answer to Q1: We know that throughput R=200 units/day, and inventory I=1,000 units. Thus, flow time T=I/R=1000/200=5 days. So the average time a unit spends at this workstation is 5 days. Answer to Q2: a) R=2/min R I T Drop off 2/min 5 2.5 min Fill Rx 2/min 40 20 min Pick up 2/min 3 1.5 min Cashier 2/min 6 3 min b) Based on the chart above, we could calculate: T(stay to pick up)= 2.5+20+1.5+3=27 minutes So the average time in the pharmacy for those students who stay to pick-up their Rxs is 27 minutes. c) For the students back to pick up in 3 hours: T (back in 3 hours)=2.5+1.5+3=7 minutes So the average time in the pharmacy for those students who pick-up 3 hours later is 7 minutes. d) Average T= 0.05*27+0.95*7=8 minutes So the average time that a student spends in the pharmacy is 8 minutes. Answer to Q3:Show MoreRelatedSP15 SCM 305 Syllabus1256 Words   |  6 Pagesprobability, statistics, economics, operations research, and operations management. We will apply these tools and principles to problems in financial management, marketing, operations, supply chain management, and quality management. We will also look at risk management in decision making and ethics in decision making. Required Class Materials: 1. Text Book – Schaum’s Outline; Operations Management – Decision Making in Business 2. Decision Making in Operations Management, Walden, 2014 3. Class lectureRead MoreImportant Technologies Of Dsp And Reason Behind Its Importance1030 Words   |  5 PagesNijo John HW1 â€Å"Important Technologies in DSP and reason behind its importance† Digital signal processing (DSP) is the numerical manipulation of signals, usually with the intention to measure, filter, produce or compress continuous analog signals. It is characterized by the use of digital signals to represent these signals as discrete time, discrete frequency, or other discrete domain signals in the form of a sequence of numbers or symbols to permit the digital processing of these signals. In thisRead MoreImportant Technologies Of Dsp And Reason Behind Its Importance962 Words   |  4 PagesHW1 â€Å"Important Technologies in DSP and reason behind its importance† Nowadays, digital data is everywhere. In this digital Era, Signal processing plays an important role in making the life easy. The important theorems and technologies in Signal Processing are 1. Image Processing 2. Biomedical Signal Processing 3. Fourier Transform 4. Convolution 5. Sampling Theorem 1. Image Processing Image processing is often viewed as arbitrarily manipulating an image to achieve an aesthetic standard or to

Friday, December 13, 2019

Celta 1st Assignment Free Essays

Assignment 1 / Language focus The car’s going to crash Form describe the form: Be going to Affirmative: Subject + be + going to + bare infinitive Interrogative: Be + subject + going to + bare infinitive ? Negative: Subject + be + not + going to + bare infinitive Short form response: Yes, subject + be + going to + bare infinitive No, subject + be + not + going to + bare infinitive Phonology : /g / Anticipated Problems confusion with will for future purposes onfusion with getting for future plans (getting more certain) Context Look at these dark clouds! It’s going to rain. 1 Use certainty that something is going to happen to the future(imminent)/prediction (Look at this car! It is going to crash into the yellow one) Contributions to learning I could use personalization (Based on my possible knowledge of a students other activities, I could use an example like: John is going to walk back home) Have the students listen or read from the board/student book/handout some exampl es with oing to (these receptive skills make learning more concrete and give confidence by repeating the structure) Give the students the chance to repeat the structure (produce) via speaking, exercises and writing Use contrast, concept questions and other technics in order to clarify, in case the students get confused You should have done your assignment Form describe the form: Should (Should is the conditional form of shall, which is a modal verb) Affirmative: Subject + should + verb Interrogative: Should + subject + verb Negative: Subject + should + not + verb Short form response: Yes, subject + should + verb No, subject + should + not + verb Phonology : / d/ Anticipated Problems: differences between should and shall differences between should and would (future in the past) differences between should and must to (obligation) differences between should and will (only about the future) phonology, should not should confusion with the irregular verb in the example, make one with a regular Should + present = advise, desirability (You should go to the doctor) Should + past = criticism (You should have paid your bills) Context By the time John woke up, it was too late to visit the local museum. I should have used my alarm clock, he said to himself. We will write a custom essay sample on Celta 1st Assignment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Use to give advice (You should take regular exercise) in hypothetical situations (Should you need any help, just call me) to give tentative opinions (I should think the cost will be about 50 euros) Contributions to learning I could use personalization (Based on my possible knowledge of a students other activities, I could use an example like: John missed the deadline. He should have been more responsible) Have the students listen or read from the board/student book/handout some examples with hould (these receptive skills make learning more concrete and give confidence by repeating the structure) Give the students the chance to repeat the structure (produce) via speaking, exercises and writing Use contrast, concept questions and other technics in order to clarify, in case the students get confused I have to complete this assignment on time Form describe the form: have to Affirmative: Subject + have to + verb Interrogative: Should + subject + verb Negative: Subject + should + not + ve rb Short form response: Yes, subject + should + verb No, subject + should + not + verb Phonology: /h? / (obligation) but /h? v/ for possession Anticipated Problems confuse with the verb have (possess) confuse with have as an auxiliary verb used in tense formation have got to (the same, mostly British english) to has a weak sound Context John was late. He had to leave the hotel immediately if he wanted to catch his train. But first he had to go to the reception and pay the bill. Use to talk about strong obligation that comes from somewhere else, for example from you boss, you parents, a rule at school or work. we do not use have to when we talk about what is a good idea to do, but we don’t do it yet Instead,we use should. Contributions to learning I could use personalization (Based on my possible knowledge of a students other activities, I could use an example like: John lost his jacket. He has to buy a new one) Have the students listen or read from the board/student book/handout some examples with have to (these receptive skills make learning more concrete and give confidence by repeating the structure) Give the students the chance to repeat the structure (produce) via speaking, exercises and writing Use contrast, concept questions and other technics in order to clarify, in case the students get confused How to cite Celta 1st Assignment, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Introduction to Managements

Question: Discuss about theManagement Issue. Answer: Summary of the article When it comes to coming to office with sickness, most of the people heed to follow the advice of the doctors to stay at home. Brooks (2014) says that it is better to encourage people to stay at home when fallen sick in place of coming to office that hampers the productivity of others. Nowadays, certain diseases like Flu and viral fever spreads with coming in contact with a sick person. Hence, the article provides an overview of management issues in dealing with sick employees and encourages the management to motivate unfit employees to go for a sick leave (Brooks, 2014). Identified Management Issue It has been found through survey that employees coming to office with sickness and unfocused minds are unproductive for an organisation than a person taking leave for his sickness. Hence, it can be seen that managing sick employees has been a major issue in the current business scenario. Taking sick leaves may increase the pressure over the present employees, but it reduces the chances of healthy employees to fall sick. Therefore, Coleman (2012) identifies management of sick employees as a major management issue in the current days (Coleman, 2012). Application of Management Theory Henry Fayols Classical Management Theory can be effectively prescribed to solve such identified management issues. Classical Management Theory has put the emphasis on the overall structure of the workforce and provides critical decision-making suitable for the organisations productivity (Smith and Boyns, 2015). In the case of management issues such as controlling the attendance of sick employees, managers can identify the benefits of the theory to encourage the sick human resources to stay at home. The Classical Management Theory has provided authority, discipline and unity of direction to control the overall productivity of an organisation. By applying the authorised right, managers should ask sick employees to take leave so that other employees job and health will not be affected. Also, such informal agreements with the sick staffs must be encouraged so that sick staffs will understand the benefits of staying at home in case of health issues (Bush, 2015). Thus, the theory can provi de the solution to the issue without any inconvenience. References Brooks, C. (2014).Sick Workers Getting Better at Staying Home. [online] Business News Daily. Bush, T. (2015). Understanding instructional leadership.Educational Management Administration Leadership, 43(4), pp.487-489. Coleman, M. (2012). Leadership and Diversity.Educational Management Administration Leadership, 40(5), pp.592-609. Smith, I. and Boyns, T. (2015). British management theory and practice: the impact of Fayol.Management Decision, 43(10), pp.1317-1334.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Bank of New York - Risk Analysis free essay sample

An essay presented in report form by the banks risk management team in an attempt to identify and minimize the risks faced by the bank. The paper discusses the number of risks associated with the banking industry. In an attempt to identify and minimize the various risks associated with the operation of this institution, the Bank of New York uses a Risk Management team. Their main goal is to identify and track the various risks associated with the Bank of New York and offer recommendations as to how to minimize or eliminate them. The paper shows how threats and risks in the banking industry can be divided into the following categories: Market Risk, Credit Risk, Foreign Asset Risk, Competition Risk, Governmental Risk, as well as risks to the physical structure and data systems. This paper discusses these risk areas and the Bank of New Yorks plan for minimizing them. We will write a custom essay sample on The Bank of New York Risk Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Table of Contents Introduction Risk Analysis Threats/Risks Market Risk Credit Risk Foreign Asset Risk Governmental Risk Competition Risk Analysis Data Systems Mitigation/Countermeasures Information Assurance Policies Disaster Recovery Policies Summary The World Trade tower attack in September of 2001 prompted the Bank of New York to re-evaluate and amend its disaster recovery policies. At the time of the disaster, the Bank had over 8,300 employees located in four lower Manhattan facilities who were evacuated in a matter of hours. The recovery plan was immediately implemented, and they temporarily relocated headquarters to midtown Manhattan. By that evening, they had relocated operating departments to five existing contingency sites in New Jersey, New York State, and Connecticut. Staff was reassigned to alternate sites as specified in disaster recovery plans while systems were restored at backup sites over the course of the following days. Well-executed contingency plans led to quick recovery of many businesses, including ADR, BNY Clearing, Core Custody, Brokerage, European Transfer Agency, Foreign Currency Transfer, Fund Accounting and Administration, Investment Management, Performance Measurement, Retail Fund Administration and S ecurities Lending (BNY annual report, 2001).

Monday, November 25, 2019

Communication and business

Communication and business TABLE OF CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION22. CASE STUDY 1: REJECTED PLANS52.1 BRIEF SUMMARY52.2 COMMUNICATION BARRIERS IN THE CONVERSATION BETWEEN BOB AND PETERSON62.3 EXAMPLES OF EFFECTIVE BEHAVIOR BY ELLEN83. CASE 2:ALLIED INDUSTRIES93.1 BRIEF SUMMARY:93.2 WHAT WAS THE CAUSE OF THE COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN BETWEEN THE CUSTOMER AND SYLVIA?93.3 GIVE SOME EXAMPLES OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION BEHAVIOR BY MARVIN WHEN HE WAS DEALING WITH SYLVIA.103.4 GIVE SOME EXAMPLES OF EFFECTIVE BEHAVIOR BY MARVIN IN DEALING WITH THE CUSTOMER.111. INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATIONCommunication is one of the most important and at the same time one of the most difficult things in our everyday life -in all its aspects. We communicate -or at least we try to- every single second -consciously or not- not only with other people but with the entire environment as well. And, of course, communication is not a privilege of humans'.English: The Active Listening Chart shows the prog...As Marc Hauser puts it "Not hing would work in the absence of communication. Flowers must communicate with bees in order for pollination to be successful........Computer programmers must design software to communicate with their hardware. "The dictionary defines communication -from now on we shall refer to communication among humans- as a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behaviors . Therefore, the basic components of communication are the sender, the message, and the receiver. The sender transmits the message; the message triggers a response from the receiver; the receiver notices and attaches some meaning to the message . For the message to be transmitted, there has be some channel (often called medium), which is the method used to deliver the message. Additionally a code system is necessary; both the sender and the receiver must know the codes used. Noise is another...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

ECON DB2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ECON DB2 - Essay Example Cap and trade allows for tradable pollution permits. A tradable permit policy sets specific targets on total emissions and allows reallocation or auctioning of pollution permit allowances to industry polluters to meet their objectives. Companies that are able to limit their emissions more cost-effectively have the incentive to avoid purchasing more permit allowances and even sell their permit allowances in excess to polluters with higher demand of compliance. Under this type of approach, emission are set by the cap, however, the overall costs for compliance may be uncertain. With regards to Cap and Tax, a regulatory system is set that provides incentives for polluter companies to find cost-effective mechanisms for controlling their emissions. Firms will therefore pay taxes for their emissions if at all it is cheaper or reduce their emissions to avoid the imposition of tax for their damages to the environment. In cases of taxes to regulate emissions, the cost of compliance is known, but the levels of emission may be rather uncertain. A command and control approach sets fourth Emissions standards that are generally more stable as compared to carbon market controls. It is undeniable fact that trading markets, more so for carbon emissions can be unpredictable. Profiteering requires stability with a fairly of a secure investment decisions. With preset Emissions standards, companies can plan and diversify their investments into more energy efficient technologies that results into emission of emit less carbon. A key benefit of market mechanism is that it gives incentives for innovative continuous emissions reduction. In cases of inflation, market mechanisms are advantageous because they allow automatic adjustments to new prices and as such no legislative action is needed. An externality refers to a cost or a benefit of activities

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Importance of the Rifle in the American Culture Essay

Importance of the Rifle in the American Culture - Essay Example This essay demonstrates that the victory in the American Revolution further motivated the gun smiths of America to concentrate on new designs of guns and rifles. During the earlier years the supply of the guns was limited because a lot of time was to be spent on the creation of the gun and the guns smiths were few. Later however, as the areas rich in iron core were discovered the number of gun smiths grew. (Pike, 2007) The discovery of the basic natural resource needed for the creation attracted many people into this occupation. As a result there were many more advancements in the gun industry. For example some of the designs created at that time were so sophisticated that they still remain to be used for sports activities. (Pike, 2007) This phase was an important one for the Americans because the enhanced gun industry became an identity for the people of America at that time. Even to this day, the gun industry remains representative of the American tradition.To conclude, the rifle a nd the guns throughout history have proved to be an integral part of the American Culture. The American gunsmiths were the ones who transformed the bulky and heavy muskets that were initially introduced to America into weapons that were more useful and precise. Had the American gunsmiths not taken any interest in the developments of the guns, the gun industry would not have been as developed as it is today. The fire arms industry today owes a lot to the gunsmiths of America at the time of the American Revolution.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Benchmark risk management in Australia, UK and USA Research Paper

Benchmark risk management in Australia, UK and USA - Research Paper Example Since the greatest threat to physical installations and assets is from terrorist activities, therefore, it is pertinent to review what planning and strategies have been defined by the selected police departments in countering terrorist acts and risks associated with them. Geographic Scope United Kingdom, United States of America and Australia Summary of Best Practices related to Risk Management of Physical Assets and Infrastructures Integration of security and safety plans and strategies, so as to ensure that the whole system operates with full force and concentration. Communication and coordination with community in order to bring down risks associated with potential threats. Effective communication of potential threats and risks with concerned authorities and stakeholders. Making use of technology to avoid or prevent damages from unforeseen events. Categorical assessment of risk related to physical assets and infrastructures, so as to understand the degree of risk associated. Integ ration of controlling, coordination and command for risk management. UNITED KINGDOM London Police Department The London Police Department is divided into four directorates which assume different responsibilities. For each of the directorates, a separate risk management strategy is devised by the police department, under the leadership of Stephen Rimmer, the Director of Strategy Modernization and Performance Directorate. In the coming lines, the researcher would discuss a number of risk management strategies adopted by the London Police Department, in order to protect its physical assets from terrorist attacks, natural disasters and riots, but the focus would be on terrorists’ attacks as this factor is considered as being more destructive for physical assets of London Police Department. KEY STRATEGIES TO COUNTER RISK ASSOCIATED WITH PHYSICAL ASSETS London Police Department uses a 360 degree mechanism for its field operators to report any damage in case of terrorist attack, acc ident or natural disaster. Besides, wireless cameras are also installed on the site where physical assets are installed by the Police Department. Risk Management Process and Mechanism By communicating with field operatives, the staff sitting at the central monitoring area fetches information about the damage occurred to the physical assets of the organization. After receiving the information about the damage, the central monitoring area’s staff evaluates the level of risk assumed by the field operatives, occurred to a physical asset. These physical assets might include security check points, railway stations, heavy traffic points, hospitals, shopping malls and etc. The figure given below would help the readers to understand, how this whole process works: As it can be observed, that this is a simple process to avoid any damage from the previously mentioned incidents, that may result in an unfavorable impact on the physical assets of the London Police Department. From evaluatin g, the process enters into the policy formulation or mitigation plan development phase where the experts designs a risk management plan to ensure that the organization does not loss on the monitory value of the physical assets mentioned. The installation of surveillance cameras is another strategy that London Police Department has used wisely over the years to overcome the monitory loss that it incurs from the damage to physical assets of the organizations. These surveillance came

Friday, November 15, 2019

Correlations Of Gratitude And Forgiveness Psychology Essay

Correlations Of Gratitude And Forgiveness Psychology Essay Gratitude has only been focused within the field of psychology in the past decade although historically it had been discussed at length in theology, religion and philosophy (Emmons McCullough, 2003). Looking back a little into the past, great philosophers such as Aristotle, Epicurus and La Rochefoucauld were convinced that manifestations of gratitude were due to human beings self interest and messy emotional ties that make people unnecessarily beholden to their benefactors (Harpham, 2000; Roberts, 2000 as cited in McCullough, Emmons, Tsang, 2002). However when this topic was reintroduced into the field of scientific studies, researchers are convince that gratitude has associations with more positive outcomes than the negatives (Naito, Wangwan Tani, 2005; Wood, Joseph, Linley, 2007; Froh, Yurkewicz Kashdan, 2009). According to McCullough, Emmons, Tsang (2002), gratitude like other affects could exist as an affective trait, an emotion or feeling which they called gratitude disposition. It is individuals universal predisposition to distinguish and act in response with gratifying feeling to the actions of those whom provides positive experiences and outcomes. Other scholars working on dispositional gratitude believes that it is interrelate to a more optimistic and enthusiastic attitude toward life (Wood, Jospeh Maltby, 2008; Froh, Yurkewicz Kashdan, 2009). There are four facets (otherwise known as elements) that influence ones gratitude disposition known as intensity, frequency, span and density which co-occurs. The first facet of gratitude disposition is intensity that can be measure by level of thankfulness one feels upon the occurrence of positive event. An individual whom is dispositionally grateful will experience greater intensity of gratefulness as compared to a person whom is less disposed out of the same positive event. Frequency, the second facet can be defined as the number of times an individual feels grateful within an allocated period. Dispositionally grateful individual in general will report experiencing more grateful events a day as compared to their counterparts. Their gratitude might be cause by even the smallest favor or act of courtesy (McCullough, Emmons Tsang, 2002). Gratitude span (the third facet) is, at a given timeframe, the number of life circumstances a person feels grateful for. A dispositionally grateful individual will definitely have more appreciation aspects such as feeling grateful about their families, jobs, friends and even simply living life itself. The last facet of gratitude disposition is density which is reflected by the number of persons an individual feels grateful for a single positive outcome. If a dispositionally grateful person is ask who they appreciate for obtaining good exam results, the list may include many significant others such as parents, teachers, friends, neighbours, siblings (McCullough, Emmons Tsang, 2002). Forgiveness Forgiveness is an action likely to draw two or more individuals, namely the offender and victim closer together as forgiving is universally recognize as a kindly act. No doubt that mounting researches on forgiveness had been carried out yet scholars are more readily to agree upon what forgiveness is not (McCullough, Pargament Thoresen, 2000). Many of them are convinced that forgiveness should be separated from justifying, pardoning, condoning and reconciliation (Rye, Loiacono, Folck, Olszewski, Heim Madia, 2001; Worthingon, Witvliet, Pietrini Miller, 2007; Fincham, 2010). Even until present the precise definition of forgiveness and how to measure it remains an open discussion among psychologists. Rye, Loiacono, Folck, Olszewski, Heim Madia (2001) had compartmentalized forgiveness into two factors called the Absence of Negativity (AN) and the Presence of Positivity (PP). Absence of negativity is measured by negative opinions, affections and action tendencies (disparaging thinking, anger and desire to avoid or retaliate against the offender) one holds towards individual that wronged them. On the other hand, presence of positivity is the extent whereby individuals have love and compassion towards their offenders as well as carrying out favorable action tendencies toward them (Rye et al., 2001). Despite years of research on this character strength psychologists are still unable to come to an agreement whether one or both factors are necessary in the measure of ones forgiveness. Some forgiveness scholars are convinced that absence of negative affect is largely sufficient to define the forgiveness process (Fincham, 2010); others insisted that it is not adequate as they trust experiencing positive affects toward ones transgressor is a critical point in completely forgiving someone (Edwards et al., 2002; Kearns Fincham, 2005). Romig and Veenstra (1998) pointed out that individuals ability to resolve developmental tasks from Eriksons Psychosocial Developmental stages requires both Absence of Negativity (AN) and the Presence of Positivity (PP) in their forgiveness (as cited in Scherbarth, 2007). Worthington (2005) had another interesting explanation mentioning that individuals forgiveness towards strangers is just reducing negative responses but eliminating unforgiveness will be replaced with the positive affects if offender is someone involving family members, colleagues and friends. He suggested that presence of positive affects is only applicable in situations where victim knows the transgressors (Worthington, 2005). In one way or another, measuring forgiveness through these two factors (AN PP) has gained its popularity among psychologists researching this strength. Gender differences in Gratitude and Forgiveness Gender differences are an interesting part in the studies of affective traits including gratitude and forgiveness. Researchers back in the 1990s had begun this research with a broader aspect known as values orientation. Beutel and Marini (1995) advocate that women tend to show apparent gratitude towards interpersonal relationships while men are likely to values competition and materialism. Eisenberg Fabes (1998) showed evidence in their write up titled Prosocial Development that women are more empathic than men, suggesting them to be more people oriented as compared to counterparts. Although both genders display gratitude in daily life, women are believed to be more expressive when it comes to emotions like gratefulness. This also influences them to report experiencing indebtedness more intensely and frequently (Simon Nath, 2004; Gordon, Musher-Eizenman, Holub Dalrymp, 2004; Naito, Wangwan Tani, 2005). A research conducted by Kashdan, Mishra, Breen Froh (2009) had some interesting findings about this topic. They found that women evaluated gratitude to be more interesting and exciting as compared to men, whom reported greater burden and obligation with lesser gratitude upon receiving a gift or favor from others. Besides that, men also mentioned that positive affects will be lesser if their benefactors were of same gender. According to Adetunji Adesida (2008), men may interpret expressions of gratitude as a sign of vulnerability and weakness, which is believe to threaten their masculinity and social reputation. Furthermore, women with higher gratitude are more likely to experience sovereign and fulfilling their belonging needs but men on the other hand may feel vice versa should they portray greater gratitude (Kashdan, Mishra, Breen Froh, 2009). Moving on to forgiveness, Miller, Worthington Mcdaniel (2008) conducted a meta-analytical review on gender differences and forgiveness for 70 researches relating to this theme. The result obtained supported that females are more forgiving as compared to males. The highly possible explanation is that females are prone to be less vengeful as compared to males (Brown, 2004; McCullough, Bellah, Kilpatrick Johnson, 2001). Men are commonly encouraged taking justice into their own hands but women are likely to be taught relationship harmony (Miller, Worthington Mcdaniel, 2008). This practice is common among the Western population whom profoundly observe masculinity and feminine theory in their daily life. However in contrary, Kmiec (2009) had different findings to offer. He found that there were no gender differences in terms of general forgiveness but men were more likely to forgive in recalling a specific incident. He justified when both genders are equal in overall forgiveness, men are less detailed in recalling a particular incident that lead to unforgiveness. Females on the other hand may recall thoughts which they had difficulty in forgiving the offender, even though this does not reflect their ordinary model of forgiving (Kmiec, 2009). Fehr, Gelfand Nag (2010) also duplicated similar result supporting that gender does not differ in terms of forgiveness after analyzing 76 studies containing 11730 participants (r Correlations of Gratitude and Forgiveness Gratitude and forgiveness in modern years had been scientifically proven to have associations that enhance better living among individuals and community at large. Sufficient researches had convinced scholars that both gratitude (Froh, Yurkewicz Kashdan, 2009) and forgiveness (Lawler-Row Piferi, 2006; Ysseldyk, Matheson Anisman, 2007) do correlates in predicting individual subjective well being. Both character strengths are further identified as the sources of interpersonal and intrapersonal strengths that foster a healthy physical and psychological environment. Experimental data confirms that gratitude and forgiveness are positively correlated with optimistic, life satisfactions (Sastre, Vinsonneau, Neto, Girard Mullet, 2003), physical health (Levenson, Aldwin Yancura, 2006; Worthingon, Witvliet, Pietrini Miller, 2007) and environmental mastery (Wood, Joseph Linley, 2007; Hill Allemand, 2010). In contrary, grateful and forgiving individuals are negatively correlated with pessimistic affect such as stress, anxiety and depression (Berry, Worthington, OConnor, Parrott Wade, 2005; Eaton, Struthers, Santelli, 2006; Wood, Maltby, Gillet, Linley Joseph, 2008; Tse Yip, 2009; Gavian, 2011). A recent research done by Froh, Fan, Emmons, Bono, Huebner Watkins (2011) supported that individuals that regularly experience gratitude in life are more likely to enjoy better well being and longer life satisfaction because they are more capable in adjusting to their positive social environment. This idea was built on previous research by McCullough, Kilpatrick, Emmons Larson (2001) highlighting that gratitude emotion essentially serve as a (1) moral barometer, motivating individuals to be sensitive towards the help they receive daily, (2) moral reinforce function that inspire grateful individual to behave prosocially towards others and (3) moral reinforcer function which cultivates benefactors future moral behaviors. Besides that, Allemand, Hill, Ghaemmaghami Martin (2012) had also extended previous findings by using future time perspective as a moderating factor in examining adults forgiveness and subjective well being. They found out that individuals whom believe of having limited future time portray stronger positive association between forgiveness and well being. However the moderating effect does not apply for negative affect and pessimism. The discrepancy obtained indicates that positive affect and negative affect (Lucas, Diener Suh, 1996) as well as optimism and pessimism (Herzberg et al., 2006) are not direct opposite characteristics as suggested in preceding studies. Other than focusing solely on non clinical samples, years worth of experiments also manage to induce both psychologists and medical practitioners to consider that suitable gratitude (Ng Wong, 2013; Joseph Wood, 2010; Wood Tarrier, 2010; Chan, 2008) and forgiveness (Witvliet, Ludwing Laan, 2001; Worthington Scherer, 2004; Carson et. al., 2005; Friedman Toussaint, 2006) interventions will be beneficial towards physically and psychologically ill clients. By adopting gratitude and forgiveness as strength based interventions in helping clinical settings clients to cope with their sicknesses had been verified to be as effective as existing problem focused interventions. For instance Toussaint et. al. (2010) managed to establish that fibromyalgia and chronic fatigues patients showed signs of improvements after learning the art of forgiving during their treatment periods. This is because fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue symptoms are aggravated by patients frustration, anger, stress and fear (Raymond Brown, 2000). Forgiveness is found to be a coping mechanism that will alleviate the exacerbating role of negative emotional reactions hence offering a cure towards these sicknesses (Toussaint et. al., 2010). This favorable outcome was earlier acknowledged by Carson, Keefe, Lynch, Carson, Goli, Fras Trop (2005) mentioning that focusing on positive affects in life instead of thinking about failures in treating illness may be beneficial towards chronic fatigue patients because the sickness is partially convoluted by anger, antipathy and stress as stated above. An excellent supporting reason why gratitude and forgiveness are subjective well being booster and effective clinical interventions is because individuals with these character strengths are also equipped with positive emotional attributions such empathy, self compassion and acceptance (Breen, Kashdan, Lenser Finchman, 2010). Several studies advocate gratitude (McCullough Hoyt, 2002) and forgiveness (Brown, 2003; Paleari, Regalia Fincham, 2005) to positively correlates with both cognitive (scenario attributions) and affective (feeling the victims emotion) aspects of empathy. Grateful and forgiving individuals are prone to understand others better by analyzing situations from others point of views which circuitously improve their social supports and interpersonal relationship. Besides empathy, self compassion also reflects an individuals warmth and perspective taking towards self and others. According to Werner, Jazaieri, Goldin, Ziv, Heimberg Gross (2012), self compassion can be defined as the talent to hold a kind and non-judgmental perspective of oneself and be conscious of the similarities between self and others. According to Fehr, Gelfand Nag (2010), self compassion within the context of forgiveness is seen to enhance victims perceptive of why their offenders might have affronted them. This will indirectly reduce their urge for vengeance and anger hence improves the likelihood of forgiveness to occur. The ultimate outcome of these individuals would be healthier physical and better recovery from sickness due to the reduction in unnecessary stress and anger. Lastly, acceptance which is known as individuals willingness in opening up to experiences, thoughts, feelings, physical sensations as well as life events also proved to show indirect relations with gratitude and forgiveness (Breen, Kashdan, Lenser Finchman, 2010). Acceptance provides individuals a platform to respond accordingly to situational demands by fully experiencing every occurring event. By having high level of acceptance individual will be sensitive towards the good deed others had done for them that indirectly elevate their gratitude level. On the other hand, forgiveness and acceptance are related in the direction of embracing negative events while responding with objectivity and litheness. Both of these character strengths will then foster good resiliency for individuals to cope with difficult, unsuspected downturn in life. In short, gratitude and forgiveness may oblige discrete attributions (McCullough, Emmons Tsang, 2002) but share a common conceptually linked as positively valence, portraying empathic characters that is associated with both psychological and physical health. 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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

United States Foreign Policy and the War on Terrorism Essay -- Argumen

United States Foreign Policy and the War on Terrorism In very general terms, it could be said that the United States makes foreign policy decisions based on what we hope are the best interests of its citizens. On the surface, it would appear as if this has been the case over the past several months, as the U.S. has waged its war against terrorism. If one were to penetrate this surface, however, they would see that there is much more to this conflict than meets the eye. Is Operation Enduring Freedom indeed justifiable? Most people would say yes, it is in our best interests, because our forces are fighting against an injustice, for the purposes of establishing a peaceful environment and bringing about humanitarian relief, which will ultimately deter future terrorist acts against our nation. As a matter of fact, a poll conducted by Public Agenda concluded that although most Americans agree that the U.S. should not be a global policeman, it should maintain its military powers and remain actively engaged around the world, and that one of the most effective ways of combating terrorism is through the use of military action (Public Agenda). On the other hand, the war has devastated the civilian population of Afghanistan, with thousands of casualties caused either directly, or indirectly, by the repeated bombings and the massive starvation plaguing the region. There is a fine line separating the instances when the killing of civilians is acceptable, and when it is not. In most cases, it is not acceptable, and as American citizens, we need to have a much greater awareness of this concept. It is usually the case that most citizens in a war-torn country have done nothing to provoke an attack, and as a result, they should not have to... ...ppen is through the instigation of a foreign policy that treats all people equally, and with compassion. Now, more than ever, Americans should understand the need for compassion in this world, and the need to integrate it into our efforts overseas, because people are suffering everyday, and we have the means of averting this misery. Bibliography Finkel, Michael. ?To Wait or to Flee.? The New York Times Magazine. 17 February 2002: 32-38, 63-68. ?Killing Them Softly: Starvation and Dollar Bills for Afghan Kids.? Global Issues. October 2001. ?Public Agenda.? Public Agenda. 5 March 20002. . Sikkink, Kathryn. ?A Human Rights Approach to Sept. 11.? Social Science Research Council. 5 March 2002. .