Monday, December 30, 2019

Why Do Ficers Consider Kurtz Unsound - 1009 Words

Why do the officers consider Kurtz unsound? The officers consider Kurtz and his methods unsound because his reality no longer lines up with theirs. When Kurtz entered the military, and as he was rising in the ranks, his reality was especially conducive to that employed by the military, and therefore he was quickly accepted. Kurtz eventually began to lose grasp of the reality that the military supported, and drifted from it. This is evidenced by his decision to join the Green Berets, in which he would have low likelihood of increasing in rank. This began to alienate Kurtz from his superiors, and eventually, after taking action of his own accord in Vietnam, they realized his reality contradicted theirs. In an effort to protect†¦show more content†¦In order to prevent its spread to the western world, the US attempted to stop it were it had already taken root, and prevent it from spreading further. They chose to do so through war and therefore violence. This war was one over ideals rather than resources. The battle was one between democracy and communism, not between two nations. The involved nations were simply representatives for their respective systems. European imperialism on the other hand was for the increase in pride for the involved nations. The fight was for control over territory and resources, rather than simple ideals. The fight for ideals was simply a byproduct of this intrusion, transforming the savages was not a goal. The opposite is true for Vietnam. The US entered with the intention of altering ideals, and capturing territory and resources was a side effect. A major point to consider is who decides for which side a country will fight. A soldier who may support communism, but happens to live in America, is drowned out by the voices of those in power. Those few make the decisions of the mores and the general reality of the people. The soldier then must fight a war based on ideals, for an ideal he does not believe in. Why does Willard say he would never want another mission after the one involving Kurtz? Willard says he never wants another mission

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay about operation management HW1 - 1244 Words

1. A manufacturers average work-in-process inventory for a certain part is 1,000 units. The workstation produces this part at the rate of 200 units per day. What is the average time a unit spends at this workstation? 2. The Wilcox Student Health Center has just implemented a new computer system and service process to \improve e ±ciency. As pharmacy manager, you are con- cerned about waiting time and its potential impact on college students who \get no respect. All prescriptions (Rxs) go through the following process: Drop-o ® ! Fill Rx ! Pick-up ! Cashier Assume that students arrive to drop-o ® Rxs at a steady rate of 2 Rxs per minute, with an average of one Rx per student. The average number of students in process (those who†¦show more content†¦All data conform to planners expectations except for one set { the classi ¯cations made by the nurse practitioner. Assume that the triage nurse has been sending 91% of all patients to the Simple Prescriptions area when in fact only 90% should have been so classi ¯ed. The remaining 1% are discovered when transferred to the emergency area by a doctor. Assume all other information from Problem 6 is valid. On average, how long does a patient stay in the ER? On average, how long does a Potential Admit stay in the ER? On average, how many patients are in the ER? Answer to Q1: We know that throughput R=200 units/day, and inventory I=1,000 units. Thus, flow time T=I/R=1000/200=5 days. So the average time a unit spends at this workstation is 5 days. Answer to Q2: a) R=2/min R I T Drop off 2/min 5 2.5 min Fill Rx 2/min 40 20 min Pick up 2/min 3 1.5 min Cashier 2/min 6 3 min b) Based on the chart above, we could calculate: T(stay to pick up)= 2.5+20+1.5+3=27 minutes So the average time in the pharmacy for those students who stay to pick-up their Rxs is 27 minutes. c) For the students back to pick up in 3 hours: T (back in 3 hours)=2.5+1.5+3=7 minutes So the average time in the pharmacy for those students who pick-up 3 hours later is 7 minutes. d) Average T= 0.05*27+0.95*7=8 minutes So the average time that a student spends in the pharmacy is 8 minutes. Answer to Q3:Show MoreRelatedSP15 SCM 305 Syllabus1256 Words   |  6 Pagesprobability, statistics, economics, operations research, and operations management. We will apply these tools and principles to problems in financial management, marketing, operations, supply chain management, and quality management. We will also look at risk management in decision making and ethics in decision making. Required Class Materials: 1. Text Book – Schaum’s Outline; Operations Management – Decision Making in Business 2. Decision Making in Operations Management, Walden, 2014 3. Class lectureRead MoreImportant Technologies Of Dsp And Reason Behind Its Importance1030 Words   |  5 PagesNijo John HW1 â€Å"Important Technologies in DSP and reason behind its importance† Digital signal processing (DSP) is the numerical manipulation of signals, usually with the intention to measure, filter, produce or compress continuous analog signals. It is characterized by the use of digital signals to represent these signals as discrete time, discrete frequency, or other discrete domain signals in the form of a sequence of numbers or symbols to permit the digital processing of these signals. In thisRead MoreImportant Technologies Of Dsp And Reason Behind Its Importance962 Words   |  4 PagesHW1 â€Å"Important Technologies in DSP and reason behind its importance† Nowadays, digital data is everywhere. In this digital Era, Signal processing plays an important role in making the life easy. The important theorems and technologies in Signal Processing are 1. Image Processing 2. Biomedical Signal Processing 3. Fourier Transform 4. Convolution 5. Sampling Theorem 1. Image Processing Image processing is often viewed as arbitrarily manipulating an image to achieve an aesthetic standard or to

Friday, December 13, 2019

Celta 1st Assignment Free Essays

Assignment 1 / Language focus The car’s going to crash Form describe the form: Be going to Affirmative: Subject + be + going to + bare infinitive Interrogative: Be + subject + going to + bare infinitive ? Negative: Subject + be + not + going to + bare infinitive Short form response: Yes, subject + be + going to + bare infinitive No, subject + be + not + going to + bare infinitive Phonology : /g / Anticipated Problems confusion with will for future purposes onfusion with getting for future plans (getting more certain) Context Look at these dark clouds! It’s going to rain. 1 Use certainty that something is going to happen to the future(imminent)/prediction (Look at this car! It is going to crash into the yellow one) Contributions to learning I could use personalization (Based on my possible knowledge of a students other activities, I could use an example like: John is going to walk back home) Have the students listen or read from the board/student book/handout some exampl es with oing to (these receptive skills make learning more concrete and give confidence by repeating the structure) Give the students the chance to repeat the structure (produce) via speaking, exercises and writing Use contrast, concept questions and other technics in order to clarify, in case the students get confused You should have done your assignment Form describe the form: Should (Should is the conditional form of shall, which is a modal verb) Affirmative: Subject + should + verb Interrogative: Should + subject + verb Negative: Subject + should + not + verb Short form response: Yes, subject + should + verb No, subject + should + not + verb Phonology : / d/ Anticipated Problems: differences between should and shall differences between should and would (future in the past) differences between should and must to (obligation) differences between should and will (only about the future) phonology, should not should confusion with the irregular verb in the example, make one with a regular Should + present = advise, desirability (You should go to the doctor) Should + past = criticism (You should have paid your bills) Context By the time John woke up, it was too late to visit the local museum. I should have used my alarm clock, he said to himself. We will write a custom essay sample on Celta 1st Assignment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Use to give advice (You should take regular exercise) in hypothetical situations (Should you need any help, just call me) to give tentative opinions (I should think the cost will be about 50 euros) Contributions to learning I could use personalization (Based on my possible knowledge of a students other activities, I could use an example like: John missed the deadline. He should have been more responsible) Have the students listen or read from the board/student book/handout some examples with hould (these receptive skills make learning more concrete and give confidence by repeating the structure) Give the students the chance to repeat the structure (produce) via speaking, exercises and writing Use contrast, concept questions and other technics in order to clarify, in case the students get confused I have to complete this assignment on time Form describe the form: have to Affirmative: Subject + have to + verb Interrogative: Should + subject + verb Negative: Subject + should + not + ve rb Short form response: Yes, subject + should + verb No, subject + should + not + verb Phonology: /h? / (obligation) but /h? v/ for possession Anticipated Problems confuse with the verb have (possess) confuse with have as an auxiliary verb used in tense formation have got to (the same, mostly British english) to has a weak sound Context John was late. He had to leave the hotel immediately if he wanted to catch his train. But first he had to go to the reception and pay the bill. Use to talk about strong obligation that comes from somewhere else, for example from you boss, you parents, a rule at school or work. we do not use have to when we talk about what is a good idea to do, but we don’t do it yet Instead,we use should. Contributions to learning I could use personalization (Based on my possible knowledge of a students other activities, I could use an example like: John lost his jacket. He has to buy a new one) Have the students listen or read from the board/student book/handout some examples with have to (these receptive skills make learning more concrete and give confidence by repeating the structure) Give the students the chance to repeat the structure (produce) via speaking, exercises and writing Use contrast, concept questions and other technics in order to clarify, in case the students get confused How to cite Celta 1st Assignment, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Introduction to Managements

Question: Discuss about theManagement Issue. Answer: Summary of the article When it comes to coming to office with sickness, most of the people heed to follow the advice of the doctors to stay at home. Brooks (2014) says that it is better to encourage people to stay at home when fallen sick in place of coming to office that hampers the productivity of others. Nowadays, certain diseases like Flu and viral fever spreads with coming in contact with a sick person. Hence, the article provides an overview of management issues in dealing with sick employees and encourages the management to motivate unfit employees to go for a sick leave (Brooks, 2014). Identified Management Issue It has been found through survey that employees coming to office with sickness and unfocused minds are unproductive for an organisation than a person taking leave for his sickness. Hence, it can be seen that managing sick employees has been a major issue in the current business scenario. Taking sick leaves may increase the pressure over the present employees, but it reduces the chances of healthy employees to fall sick. Therefore, Coleman (2012) identifies management of sick employees as a major management issue in the current days (Coleman, 2012). Application of Management Theory Henry Fayols Classical Management Theory can be effectively prescribed to solve such identified management issues. Classical Management Theory has put the emphasis on the overall structure of the workforce and provides critical decision-making suitable for the organisations productivity (Smith and Boyns, 2015). In the case of management issues such as controlling the attendance of sick employees, managers can identify the benefits of the theory to encourage the sick human resources to stay at home. The Classical Management Theory has provided authority, discipline and unity of direction to control the overall productivity of an organisation. By applying the authorised right, managers should ask sick employees to take leave so that other employees job and health will not be affected. Also, such informal agreements with the sick staffs must be encouraged so that sick staffs will understand the benefits of staying at home in case of health issues (Bush, 2015). Thus, the theory can provi de the solution to the issue without any inconvenience. References Brooks, C. (2014).Sick Workers Getting Better at Staying Home. [online] Business News Daily. Bush, T. (2015). Understanding instructional leadership.Educational Management Administration Leadership, 43(4), pp.487-489. Coleman, M. (2012). Leadership and Diversity.Educational Management Administration Leadership, 40(5), pp.592-609. Smith, I. and Boyns, T. (2015). British management theory and practice: the impact of Fayol.Management Decision, 43(10), pp.1317-1334.