Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effects Of Technology On Children Growing Up On Technology...

Senior Research Henry Bujnak 10/24/16 Technology is seen today as a ground breaking tool to advance every day, but in reality, it can be detrimental to a person’s development especially in children growing up in today’s culture. A certain pattern seems to reoccur where addictive behavior results from technology. This addictive behavior can come in many different forms, and can be caused in different ways. One such form is seen in developing children. The newest generation kids are growing up on technology, which means a lot of them use technology at an earlier age. It used to be that kids would go outside and play, but now their new, and sometimes only form of entertainment is the iPad or the TV, and when kids can’t have their â€Å"fix,† they seem to be bored and not know what to do. There are quite a few problems with this addiction to technology. Just as stated above, it takes the imagination away from a child because the iPad or computer etc. already does the thinking ahead of time. It becomes the only thing that they want to do, and thus another problem, it wastes all their time, which in and of it itself causes problems, because it starts appear at the dinner table, or while the kid is supposed to do homework, or whenever and not just during the time that their allowed to use it. Another issue that comes up, are social skills. Everything seems to relate back to addiction, because when a child is constantly on a device, it does not allow much time for socialShow MoreRelatedChildren and Technology: Growing Up in the Modern World Can Have Negative Effects on Children1011 Words   |  5 PagesChildren growing up in the modern world of today would rather stay inside and play on the internet, watch television, or play video games than go outside and play. 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